Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Trade-in Program

Trade-in your older models and armies.  We will take them new, used, painted, or unpainted. 
Free yourself from all the models and bits in your garage.  Send them to us and turn them into your dream army.

Where do you start?
  1. Send an email list or of your models to
  2. All credits are in the form of in-store credit or painting credit.
  3. Once accepted then mail us your models.
  4. We will confirm receipt via email and your credit is ready to use

Please make sure that your list explains the condition of each item.  For example:
  • In-box/loose
  • Assembled/Unassembled
  • Unprimed/Primed (What color?)
  • Painted
  • Thick paint or damaged
  • Missing pieces

If you don’t feel like listing then send the models and we’ll evaluate them.  Please make sure you send an email so we know they are coming.  REMEMBER, always include your name and contact information.  Yes, once in awhile we’ll get a box with no name or anything on it.

Pictures always help when evaluating the value of the models.  If not, we will assume they are painted poorly.
Credit is usually 20-50% of the retail value depending on condition, being complete, and if they are the current models.  Newer or super popular models have a higher value.

The in-store credit can be redeemed:
  • Models that we currently have for sale.
  • MiniGamePainter products and services.  This includes: Painting, magnetizing, assembly, custom conversions, etc…
  • Cash (Based on models)

The advantage of trading in with us is that you are likely to be able to unload disparate items without a lot a lot of hassle (various buyers, questions, payments terms, or picky customers).

If you send models and they are painted or primed too thickly to be useful except as scrap, or the models are notably damaged in transit, the trade value reverts to 10%. Let us know up front.

Credit is for retail value of the models or services. It does not stack with other discounts.

Terms are subject to change without notice. 


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Studio Update: Space Wolves

Here is the Space Wolves update:  I am just about done with this army.  Everything has come out really nice.  I am debating on basing the models.  I'm not really a huge fan of the textbook snow terrain.  I didn't realize that Grey Hunters were MUCH better than Blood Claws.  I have about 30 Blood claws that need to be either converted, sold, or exchanged.  This is a really fun army to play.

The army really needs to get at least 3 more Thunderwolves

Both Dreadnoughts were converted and have magnets all all sets of arms.

The army is lead by Ragnar Blackmane, Logan Grimnar, Rune Priest in Terminator Armor (Converted), and a regular Rune Priest.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Orks vs Tyranids 2000 pts

Hello Wargamers!  Today, Matt demanded that his Tyranids get a rematch on my Orks.  I am going to try and get both army lists up moving forward.

The game:
1. Crusade w/ 3 objectives (Worth 3 points each)
2. 2,000 points
3. Dawn of War deployment
4. Warlord Traits- Useless for both of us.
5. Tyranids deployed first and was going to go first.

Preamble:  Last time Matt brought out a lot of little guys trying to over take me with numbers.  It did not work at all.  This time he unloaded with ton of monstrous creatures.

Reserves: The Tyranids had 2 Trygons and I had a 1 Dakka Jet and 5 Koptas.

Turn: 1
Orks STEAL initiative with a 6!!

Moving:  The 2 groups of boyz moved out of heavy cover to be able to shoot.  I didn't think I was going to steal the initiative.

Blue Battlewagon w/4 big shootas, rolla, and wrecking ball.  Inside: 5 burnas, 5 Mega Nobz, and a Warboss.  Moved 6" so it could still shoot

Red Wagon w/4 big shootas.  Inside: 1 Big Mek (Warlord) w/ force field and 9 tank busters. Moved 6" so it could still shoot.

Shooting: The lootas, big shootas, and everything was trying to hit the monstrous creatures and the flying creatures.  The boom guns were able to kill the guards around his Warlord and wound him.  Night fighting was enabled so he got a lot of cover saves.  I was able to kill 1 small group Termagants. (FIRST KILL)


Moving: He had 2 Harpys and 1 Hive Tyrants both with wings.  He zoomed with both of them in the first turn.  He casted Feel No Pain all over the place.  His Tervigons made over 10+ termagants and did not roll doubles, Bummer.  Then he moved up his other 2 groups of termagants.

Shooting:  His 2 Harpy units used their big blast templates to kill a lot of lootas on both sides of the board.

Orks turn 2:

Right Side

Left side


Moving:  Both the 1 Dakka Jet and 5 Koptas came in this turn.  The dakka came out on the left side and the koptas came on the right side.  The boyz on the right side moved into the ruin to fill in the gaps where the lootas died.  The blue wagon moved 12" and rolla'd 2 groups of termagants and a Tervigon.  A lot of wounds.  they later get hit by the wrecking ball as well.

Shooting:  Made all 3 flying monstrous creatures crash to the ground.  Both Harpies were able to stay alive with 1 wound.  the Hive Tyrant went down 2 wounds.  The boom guns killed a ton of termagants and injured the tervigons. Dakka brought the black tervigon down to 1 wound.  Nice.

Tyranid turn 2:

Moving: 1 of his Trygons came in on the right side near the Basilisk.  Everyone moved forward.

Shooting: the harpies AGAIN blasted the lootas and looted tanks.  The closet red looted tank (Left side) blew up 6" and didn't kill any boyz.  The looted tank on the right side was brought down to 1 hull point with glances.  EVERYONE SHOT into the back of the blue battlewagon.  The wagon was blown up killing 8 termagants and 2 burnas.

Assaulting:  A tervigon and hive tyrant charged the Mega Nobz and Warboss from the blown up Battlewagon.  Result: Only 1 Mega Nob survived and fell back.  The Tervigon ended up dying.

Orks turn 3:

Moving;  The last looted tank with 1 hull point couldn't shoot so I squeezed in the middle of 2 termagant squads.  If he blows up maybe take a few of them with me.  The dakka jet moved up into the forest and continued shooting into the Tervigon.  The koptas moved a little closer. Mega Nob regrouped, but only moved 3".

Shooting: The boyz on the left killed that harpy.  The lootas on the left killed the harpy on the right.  The tank busters killed the flying Hive Tyrant.  The koptas killed the endless termagants.

Assaulting:  The boyz on the right side assaulted out of the basilisk and hit the Trygon.  The Trygon attacked first and killed 5 boyz.  the boyz and the klaw were able to bring the Trygon down to 1 wound.  The boyz passed their leadership and stay in combat.

Tyranid turn 3:

Moving: The black Tervigon finally stopped making termagants.  It was a pretty amazing thing.  Matt's Tervigons must have made at least 30-40 termagants.

Shooting:  Termagants finished the looted wagon off on the right side.  Only a wreak though.  termagants also shot the koptas, killing 1.

Assault: Both his flying Tyrant and a few termagants attacked the koptas killing all of them.  That tyrant insta-kill claws/swords are amazing.  The on-going assault with the boyz on the right side.  The Trygon kills 5 and the boyz wound 3 bring the Trygon down to 1.  The boyz fallback and the Trygon catches them.

Summary of the end of the game:

Orks kill the Hive Tyrant, both Trygons, the last Harpy, and a ton of Termagants.  The Orks were able to hold 2 objectives, line breaker, Warlord Kill, and first blood.  ORKS WIN!!!!

Orks: 9
Tyranids: 3 (1 Objective)

I will try and take more pictures next time.  Hope you enjoyed it.

Studio Update: Chaos SM Nurgle

Here is the Nurgle update.  This army has come a loooong way.  There are a ton of custom conversions.  Hours and hours have gone into this army.  I really love how disgusting it has gotten.  I haven't counted how many points there are, but I would say about 3000-4000.  There are a squad of 20 Plague Bearers that aren't pictured.  There is an option for a Chaos Daemon ally with a customer Greater Unclean One and the 20 Plague Bearers.

Back Row: Vindicator, 2 custom Rhinos, Maulerfeind
Front: Marines, 3 custom Obliterators, and 2 squads of Plague Marines 

HQs: Custom Greater Unclean One, Nurgle Sorcerer, DV Lord, Custom Lord in terminator armor, and Typhus (AKA The MAN)

Studio Update: Khorne Army

Hello Wargamers!  Just wanted to give a studio update on the Khorne Army I have been painting.  Originally, the project started out with a Chaos Battleforce, but has expanded to include some really cool models.  The project is about half way done.  Should take about another two weeks because of the holidays.  Either way it will be done well before the due date.

If you are interested in starting a Chaos or other Army just let me know.  I can help you plan out an army, help you source the models, convert existing models, and paint them for you.  We offer a trade-in on any models you currently have.  Plus, if we have models in stock we can save you some money from purchasing new models.  Email us at

All the Havoc launchers are magnetized.

The defiler has movable from arms and magnetized upper arms.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Looted Tanks WAAAGH!

Hello Wargamers!  I am glad that everyone survived the end of the world (12-21-2012).

MiniGamePainter specializes in miniature game painting, assembling, and custom converting.  Feel free to ask for a quote!!!  We always appreciate your comments and support.

Since blast templates are so much better in 6th ed. Warhammer 40k I started making some looted tanks with boom guns.  They tend to scatter a lot, but Orks never go they way you want.

My first one was a rhino conversion that I had in storage for a long time.  Originally, I only had a lascannon on top.  First, I swapped out the gun for a Imperial Guard Russ gun.  It looks much better.  The main issue was that the barrel was hitting the hatches on the front.  I cut some DVD plastic in little circles to raise the turret so it had some clearance.  After that I added the ork boy on top and then riveted some panels all over.  I forgot the name of the kit, but I put tank obstacles on the tank as well.

I saw the second one at a hobby shop and the scale was just perfect.  It is a WWII American tank.  I didn't want to chop up another $30+ rhino or even a $50 Russ tank.  It ended up costing $8 after my 40% off coupon.  Score!!!

First, the boom gun needed a lot more BOOM.  I used the plastic tubes from my dog's poop bag rolls to give the main barrel some extra dakka.  I put a rhino plow on the front and added some ork glyphs.  I have a lot of bits left over from my Dakka Jet kit so I added them on the back and turret.

All Ork vehicles pollute more than anything so I added some big exhaust pipes on the turret and the back.  Again, I used the plastic dog bag centers.  I used a drill to make some venting holes and a knife to cut the tips.

Next, I needed to put 2 big shootas.  The tank came with a hull mounted gun which I just shorted the barrel.  The second one I mounted to the top hatch.  The hatch that came with the tank looked really weird so I added a rhino hatch and search light.  I started adding panels on the sides spikes to give it more of a salvaged look.  I didn't like the rope and shovel equipment on the back so I cut it off and added rhino doors.  I noticed that the tank was really long so i cut the rhino plow off and mounted the spikes right on the front.  It's exactly the same size length and width of a GW battlewagon.

Lastly, I cleaned up some edges and added more spikes and rivets.  Then it was primed and painted.  I am trying to keep a red themed army.  Hope you enjoyed this cost effective conversion.  I liked these models so much that I plan on doing a Dakka Jet conversion from the same line of models.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2500+ Point Tau Army for Sale

Hello Wargamers!  I am going to be putting up a new page for things that are for sale.  Today, I wanted to start with a really nice Tau army.  It has a great painted job and has a lot of hours of custom work done to it.  Plus, there are magnets everywhere.

Reminder: All of the battlesuits have magnets on both arms AND shoulders.  Their weapons just click on.

Battlesuit Commander (Magnetized) Has Airbursting Frag Projector and Cyclic Ion Blaster

9 Battlesuits (Magnetized)
  -Painted Weapons: 5 Shields, 4 Plasma, 7 Missile Pods, 5 Fusion Blasters, 5 Flamers, 7 Burst Cannons
  -Many more weapons will be included just not painted or magnetized.

3 Stealth Team w/marker drone

38 Fire Warriors
  -26 w/ Pulse Rifle. 2 Team Leaders
  -12 w/ Pulse Carbine. 1 Team Leader

12 Kroots

Fast Attack-
8 Pathfinders (Converted from Fire Warriors w/Pulse Carbines)

2 Piranhas 
  -Both w/ magnetized Burst Cannon and Fusion Blaster
  -1 w/ magnetized base
  -4 drones and 2 flight stands

Heavy Support-
2 Broadsides
  -1 fulling magnetized

3 tank bodies
  -Each can be either Devilfishs, Hammerheads, or 1 Sky Ray.
  -Railguns are magnetized, turrets are removable (except 1), engines removable (except 1 engine), drones and removable.
  -Weapons- 3 railguns, 1 shy ray turret, 2 ion cannons, 1 set of burst cannons, and 2 sets of smart missile systems.  The burst cannon drones and missile drone's weapons are easily removable.

12 Additional drones with a ton of flight bases.  1 is marker light and 5 are converted shield drones.  All extra guns are included if you want them back to gun drones.

1 current codex. Great condition. 

All questions are welcome.  You can either comment or send an email to

Price $699.00 USD + Shipping.  Shipping is USPS and will be added based on where you are.  I'm not here to make money on shipping.

No International shipping (Canada is ok).  No P.O. Boxes locations.  Please pay via Paypal.

If you would like some additional work done to it before it is shipped then let us know.  We are a full service paint and conversion service.  HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!



Monday, December 17, 2012

Ork Looted Land Raider

Hello Wargamer! Craig here from MiniGamePainter.  I wanted to bring out some old favorites I've done.  I'm starting with a custom battlewagon I did earlier in the year.  I ended up getting a GW battlewagon anyways, but this one is unique and fun.  I started with a land raider and added a killa kan look to the front of it.

I wanted the battlewagon to have an open top so that many a dakka can shot from it.  I had a hard time finding plastic that was usable and cheap.  I was able to take a few DVD cases and make it happen.  Next I was able to use some wood to make a professionally made ork fort.

I added some plastic and some damage on the sides to make it look more orky.  I used some blue pens for the exhaust pipes.  Many of the other weapons (ball, grapple, big shootas, etc..) can be added or removed.

After a lot of work on making everything look damaged I primed it and painted it.  Yes, I know that the flag is Khorne.  I got rid of it.

I really liked the wagon, but something was missing.  I wanted to add a deff rolla.  I took 1/2 inch PVC pipe and the small center plastic tubes from my dog's poop bags and made the rolla.  I magnetized it so I can use it whenever.  The rolla was too basic so I added spikes, blood, and whatever else would get hit.

Again, Something was missing and in hit me...  the rivets.  I was going to go buy a tool to make round rivets  but I really like the old school square ones.  I used a needle for both putting the glue on and the rivets   it took a good amount of time, but it makes the wagon much better.

I had a game the next day so I just did touch up paint around the rivets.  here is the final product.  I hope your enjoy it.

