Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chaos Nurgle Army SOLD!!

Chaos Nurgle Army SOLD!!

Hello everyone.  I was custom making this for a family member and he decided to go with another type of army.  I am selling a partially painted Nurgle army.  There is A LOT custom work. Hours and hours have gone into this army.  You can buy it 'as is' or ask for a quote to finish the painting on it.  Take a look below or look at the "Studio Update: Nurgle" to see all the models.

The army is at least 3000-4000 points.  A very strong Army.  All of the both rhinos, vindicator, and predator has magnet options.  Email me if you have any question.  I will put up some more pictures with everything together when I get time.  Let me know if you are interest.  At this time I would like to sell it all in one piece.

Looking to sell it.  This is a great deal!!!!  it has a lot of pieces that are one of a kind.  Have a great night!!!!

Shipping based on where you are.  ALSO INCLUDES THE NEW CODEX.  Perfect condition.

# Item  Paint Quality
2 Nurgle Rhino  Very High 
1 Nurgle Maulerfiend  Very High 
1 Nurgle Helbrute  Very High 
1 Nurgle Vindicator  Very High 
3 Nurgle Obliterator (Custom)  Very High 
1 Nurgle Lord in term armor w/Power Fist  Very High 
20 Cultist (8 painted)  8 Painted 
10  Nurgle Plagued Marines (Custom)  Very High 
10 Nurgle Plagued Marines  6 Painted 
1 Spawn  Good paint 
5 Nurgle Bikers (Custom)  3 Painted 
1 Typhus  Very High 
5 Terminators  Bare Plastic 
1 Sorcerer  Primed 
5 Possessed  Primed 
1 DV Lord  Primed 
12 Nurgle Chaos Marines
1 w/ Power Fist, 1 w/Flamer, 2 w/ melta, 1 w/ plasma
6 Chosen 1 w/ plasma  Primed
1 Predator (all options with magnets)  Bare Plastic
1 Greater unclean one (Custom/Metal)  Very High 
20 Plague Bearers  Very High 
1   Defiler  Good paint 

The Chosen with the Claws was converted to having a plasma gun.

Custom unclean one (Metal)

Close up on one of the custom Plagued Marines


Squad of custom plague marines