It has been awhile since I did a studio update on the blue and red Tyranids. The project is really developing nicely. As an update I'll restate what is going to be included with this project.
Army List:
3 Venomthropes (Complete)
6 Warriors (Complete)
7 Raveners
1 Trygon/Mawloc (Complete)
2 Tervigons/Tyrannofex (Complete)
8 Genestealers
1 Broodlord (Complete)
60 Termagants (75% Complete)
1 Red Terror (Complete)
2 Spore Pods (Complete)
If you like what you see you can always ask for a quote. We can also help you put together a strong army as well. Whether it is against a particular race or something where you can play anyone. We can do it all. Email us at
This is a picture split between the Warriors and the Venomthropes. Venomthropes should be apart of any swarm Tyranid. I have played against them many times and the 5+ cover save and 2+ poison attack really help.
This is a picture of the Trygon/Mawloc model. Possible the coolest model in all of Warhammer 40k. The strength and impact of this units really takes the battlefield. The Raveners in front haven't been painted yet, but another squad that is really fun to play with. Tons of attacks and many options (RENDING!!!!). The main thing to be aware of is ANY weapon with Str 8+. Instant death is really the only way to slow these guys down. They do have deep strike, but I wouldn't use it unless you come out of the Trygon Subterranean Assault tunnel. That is the only way to spread out enough to not get templated to death.

Tervigons are the heart of this army. They are really effective if the dice gods are on your side. They can be taken as a troop choice for an added cost of 50 points (10 termagants) AND they can make, on average, 2-3 more troop choices per game. To increase your chances for better dice rolls you could always add another Tervigon. The base is 160 points, but I would had crushing claws and some termagant upgrades.
Personally, I haven't used the Tyrannofex option, but I have played against them a few times. It is amazing how many weapons it can carry. These particular Tervigons are magnetized for all options.
I still need to paint a few Termagants and a lot more arms/guns.
The Broodlord has been done since the first few days. I really like the model. I am still debating on how to paint the Genestealers . Whether to paint them stealthy or give them a small colored shell to match the army. I'll prob go with the ladder just so everything matches. This army has 9, but a good addition in the future would be another squad or two. Swarms of Genestealers are crazy effective.
At first, I thought the Red Terror model would have been not worth getting. After putting it together and some paint I completely disagree. This model looks great and fits a lot of Tyranid options which they have no models. #1 the Tyranid Prime is a great cheap HQ choice. I have seen A LOT of conversions for the prime, but the Red Terror is well worth the investment. I hope you enjoyed the update. There should be more to follow because I need to finish up a Khorne army and Nurgle army.
Email me if you have any questions or want a quote on your dream army. Have a great day!!!!